Napoleon Hill's "Think and Grow Rich," a Life Changing Book

Napoleon Hill's "Think and Grow Rich," a Life Changing Book review

Napoleon Hill's "Think and Grow Rich," a Life Changing Book review
This review of Napoleon Hill's "Think and Grow Rich" is a personal motivational development and self-help book.  Let's start by mentioning this book, which has been ranked on BusinessWeek Magazine's best-seller list.  Think and Grow Rich is the sixth best-selling paperback business book after seventy years.  This alone makes me think that this is a "must read" book if you want to make a six figure income.
"Think and Grow Rich" was established in some of the works of Napoleon Hill himself, who previously worked in "The Law of Success".  This is the culmination of more than twenty years of research.  Fortunately, under the direction of Andrew Carnegie, Napoleon Hill had a close relationship with many wealthy people, who had achieved great success in their lives with a disproportionate six figure income reaching out to you.  Some examples referenced are Henry Ford, William Wrigley, Jr., George S.  Parker, and Theodore Roosevelt have mentioned some of the 500 millionaires he interviewed.  He was able to study these recipients and developed 16 "laws" intended to be enforced by someone who wants to achieve success in his life.

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There are several editions of Napoleon Hill published "Think and Grow Rich", but in 2004, Ross Cornwell revised "Think and Grow Rich," The Original Version, Restored and Revised.  This edition has restored it to its original content for the reader.  There are slight modifications and include earlier extensive end notes, indexes, and appendices added.  This is the first time Napoleon Hill Book has ever contained these sections.
As I started reading "Think and Grow Rich", this quote bounced on me.  I felt that this was true for many of us.  As I am facing my own struggle to go with affiliate marketing.
"Failure is a trickster with a deep sense of irony and cunning. He finds great joy in tripping when success is almost within reach."
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This statement wants to push you hard to cross that hurdle so that you can win that six income in the end.  Napoleon writes about the hill that when the night is done in a simple way, a little effort will change your life.  Do you know the ten weaknesses that block your success and how to overcome each of them?  You will read this book once.  Also, know why knowledge alone is not enough for you to succeed, and make that six figure income.  You need the secret component;  What is that secret ingredient?  You already have it in your possession. Now you need to know how to unlock it.
Napoleon Hill "Think and Grow Rich" will help you earn a six figure income.  If you readers want this book to help you in the latest scheme to make you rich- then chances are you will find it here.  If you are looking to get guidance through patches of hard times in your life, you will find it too.  If you come to believe this book a little, you will get it!
This book "Think and Grow Rich" by Napoleon Hill is all things to all people;  In short, this book will be life-changing and will take you on a six figure income path that you believe you can.

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