India after Gandhi by gua

India after Gandhi book review 

By Abhishek

By Ramchandra guha
According to Guha, India is an "unnatural nation".  According to Guha, "Because they are so many and so many, the people of India are also divided".

  Guha writes that "the pages of this book match the forecast of the imminent dissolution of India, or its chaos or descent into dictatorship rules".  But as he said "India is a single nation even after sixty years of independence testing, and that it is still largely democratic - these are facts that are going to force our deepest attention".

  And so, Guha tells us about the journey of India's history as an independent democracy.  This updated and expanded edition, published in 2017 some ten years after the original, is enriched to include the rise in power of current Prime Minister Narendra Modi.

  The journey of this book is a long one - about 800 pages, before you can read the other 100 pages of notes.  But the journey is well worth the ride, with rich details of all the events and personalities in the life of this fascinating nation.

  There are too many stations in the journey to India to repeat them all.  So just the main ones will suffice.

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  A Spotted History of India

  After the disintegration and independence in 1947, the bloody "partition" of Muslim Pakistan from secular India resulted in large-scale movement of people across borders in both directions, and a very large number of refugees.

  More than 500 independent princely states (which were never colonized by the British) were convinced to join the Union.  But the situation in Jammu and Kashmir was never cleared, and today remains a major bone of contention with Pakistan.

  The Constitution of India was drafted from December 1946 to December 1949, and entered into force in January 1950, and may be the longest in the world.  The first general election was held in 1952, and it was comfortably won by Nehru's Congress Party, the main organization of the independence movement.

  India adopted a foreign policy of non-alignment, but maintained close ties with the USSR.

  The domestic map of India was redrawn with provinces built on the basis of local languages.  The integrity of the state was seen to be in constant danger in the election of communist state governments in Kerala and West Bengal, along with groups such as the Naga tribes demanding independence.

  In 1959, the Dalai Lama fled Tibet to welcome him to India, much to the Chinese government's displeasure.  Then in 1962, China defeated India on a disputed border, humiliating in a brief war.  Relations between China and India remain tense till date.

  In 1966 Indira Gandhi became the new leader of India.  Due to Pakistan's immense annoyance, he led India into the Bangladesh Liberation War, which resulted in Pakistan's army and East Pakistan being transformed into an independent state of Bangladesh.

  Democracy was endangered when Prime Minister Gandhi declared a state of emergency in June 1975.  But the flexibility of Indian democracy was clear when Gandhi's Congress Party government was lost in the 1977 elections, the first time the Congress was out of power after independence.

  Indira Gandhi and her son Rajiv, who followed her as Prime Minister, were both assassinated.

  A financial crisis in 1991 became an opportunity for economic recovery.  India's economy has grown strongly since then, with the IT sector being the key driver.  India is now seen as an emerging economic power, one of the leaders of the Asian century.

  Nevertheless, poverty remains a major issue, due to the government's failure to provide adequate education and health services.  And by any objective standard, India is an "environmental basket case".

  After a ten-year deficit from the Congress party, the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) was elected to the government in 2014 under the leadership of Narendra Modi.  Unfortunately, with the great wisdom of Jawaharlal Nehru, the first Prime Minister of India, his powerful slogan of 'unity in diversity diversity, with an anti-Hindu and anti-Muslim discourse by the current leadership of the country, for a gan muscular totalitarianism'  Has been in place.  As Nehru said, one of the greatest difficulties after independence was to "create a secular state in a religious country".

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  India today

  Guha signed this second edition of his book almost three years ago in August 2016.  But his epilogue chapter is still very powerful.  He writes that: "The astonishing project of creating a nation without a common language, common religion or common enemy is thus, to a minimum, largely successful ... in any part of India soon, if at all  But there is no danger ".

  India is held together by the values ​​of its constitution, equality for the lower castes and women, an inclusive model of economic development, respect for various religions and a strong federal system, in which the rights of the provinces are clearly defined  And has been preserved.

  But Guha was more circumspect about the quality of India's democracy, describing it as "50-50 democracy".  The strong points of India's democracy are allowing elections and freedom of movement and expression.

  According to Guha, India's weak points are institutions of democracy.  “Most political parties have become family firms.  Most politicians are corrupt, and many come from a criminal background.  Lawmakers of India are also often law breakers.

  Guha continues that “the state is weak and inefficient on the one hand while providing basic services like education and health care;  But, on the other, barbarism and cruelty in the resentment of dissent.  "

  And "high-caste Hindu men still command unprotected privileges in the everyday life of the Republic", with Dalits, women, Muslims and tribals remaining "less than equal citizens of the land".

  This epilogue chapter is very enjoyable and definitely worth the 800 pages worth of reading.

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  Since this book was published, in May 2019, India saw an increase in BJP's re-election under the leadership of Prime Minister Modi.  Perhaps the most controversial step of the new government was the cancellation of the special status given to Indian-administered Kashmir in its constitution, the most far-reaching political move on the disputed territory in nearly 70 years.

  These events prompted Ramachandra Guha to write: "I will bring down the democratic credibility of our country. Given the lack of any credible contradiction to the BJP, an atmosphere of fear among religious minorities and an independent press  Attacks, we are now 40. -60 democracy, and - if the recent misuse of state power in Kashmir is any indication - on the way to becoming 30-70.

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