The 80/20 principle - The secret of achieving more with less

The 80/20 principle by Richard koch

The secret of achieving with less
What is 80/20 principal?
The 80/20 Principle asserts that a minority of causes, inputs or effort usually 
lead to a majority of the results, outputs or rewards. Taken literally, this 
means that, for example, 80 per cent of what you achieve in your job comes 
from 20 per cent of the time spent. So the 80/20 Principle states that 
there is an inbuilt imbalance between causes and results, inputs and outputs, 
and effort and reward. 

To Applying 80/20 principle 3 steps will be follow in life

Step 1: Identify your 80/20 goals
Step 2: Identify Your 80/20 Path
Step 3: Identify your 80/20 tasks

Book review of 80/20 principle
This has been the most painful and well-researched book I have ever 
written. There is a certain irony here, since the 80/20 Principle tells us that I 
could have obtained a book 80 per cent as good in 20 per cent of the time. 
This would certainly have been my inclination and only the reader can tell 
whether the extra effort has been worthwhile. I think it has, but I have lost 
all objectivity. The effort involved has been much more collective than for 
any of my previous books. Don’t believe the false modesty of those who 
write generously that their books have been ‘team efforts’. In the end only 
an author (or authors) can write a book. But I want to thank some 
individuals without whom this book would either not have existed or would 
have been vastly inferior. 
First is Mark Allin, then at Pitman Publishing and now my partner in 
Capstone Publishing, who first had the idea of the book. 

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The secret of achieving with less

Second is Nicholas Brealey. He has put terrific insight into the book. I am 
glad that the sales are rewarding this! According to the Von Manstein 
principle (see Chapter 13), people like Nicholas who are smart and 
industrious will not be as successful as those who are smart and lazy. To 
become a real star, Nicholas must work a great deal less. I have a theorythat if he published half the number of books, and put all his effort into 
these, he’d make even more money. I hope my next book will not be one to 
get the axe! I am very grateful for his persistence on this book. 
Sally Lansdell has been the ‘third person’ collaborating to get the 
structure and text right. She is clearly a gifted publisher in her own right. 
Next, my researcher on the book, Nick Oosterlinck, did a terrific job of 
reconstructing the history of the 80/20 Principle from 1897 to 1997. He has 
now disappeared from my radar screen, but if he would like to get in touch I 
would be delighted to dispense some champagne his way. 
I should also thank not only Mr Pareto for originating the 80/20 Principle, 
but also Mr Juran, Mr Zipf, Mr Krugman and the unsung heroes at IBM in 
the 1960s for elaborating it. And also the hundreds of people from all walks 
of life and disciplines who have written magazine articles about the 80/20 
Principle, many of whom I have quoted extensively as evidence of the way 
in which the principle can be used. I have made every effort to acknowledge 
these people in the references, but if there are any omissions please accept 
my apologies and let me know so that correction can by made in any future 
editions. I am particularly grateful to David Parker, lecturer in managerial 
economics and business strategy at the University of Birmingham Business 
School, whose work on the application of chaos theory to business strategy 
is full of brilliant insights, many of which I have appropriated. 
Finally, every true believer needs his trusted sceptics. Patrick Weaver and 
Lee Dempsey have fulfilled this role admirably, and it is much appreciated.

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