Let us c by Yashavant P. Kanetkar

 free download in pdf form-:Let Us C Fifth Edition  Yashavant P. Kanetkar

Are you become a computer expert?Are you become a programmer?Are you become a game developer?

So today I recommend a book for basic knowledge in computer to advance level.

Today the world is quite or in lockdown due to spread of covid-19 . In this situation more  people destry their business and job .
But the tech is winner in this situation.
So I assured that if you are read this book your intrest is developing in your mind.
You become a computer expert

The book is" Let us c"
This is book is developed a good foundation. In this book you have learned
C language
Types of language in computer
1. B language
2. C language
3. C++
4. Python

This book is foundation to learn more language in computer.

Download of the book to click below the link-:

In pdf

Syllabus of the book -:

Getting Started 1 
What is C 2 
Getting Started with C 4 
The C Character Set 5 
Constants, Variables and Keywords 6 
Types of C Constants 7 
Rules for Constructing Integer Constants 8 
Rules for Constructing Real Constants 9 
Rules for Constructing Character Constants 10 
Types of C Variables 11 
Rules for Constructing Variable Names 11 
C Keywords 12 
The First C Program 13 
Compilation and Execution 19 
Receiving Input 21 
C Instructions 23 
Type Declaration Instruction 24 
Arithmetic Instruction 25 
Integer and Float Conversions 29 
Type Conversion in Assignments 29 
Hierarchy of Operations 31 
Associativity of Operators 34 
Control Instructions in C 37 
Summary 37 
Exercise 38
The Decision Control Structure 49 
Decisions! Decisions! 50 
The if Statement 51 
The Real Thing 55 
Multiple Statements within if 56 
The if-else Statement 58

Nested if-elses 61 
Forms of if 62 
Use of Logical Operators 64 
The else if Clause 66 
The ! Operator 72 
Hierarchy of Operators Revisited 73 
A Word of Caution 73 
The Conditional Operators 76 
Summary 77 
Exercise 78 
The Loop Control Structure 97 
Loops 98 
The while Loop 99 
Tips and Traps 101 
More Operators 105 
The for Loop 107 
Nesting of Loops 114 
Multiple Initialisations in the for Loop 115 
The Odd Loop 116 
The break Statement 118 
The continue Statement 120 
The do-while Loop 121 
Summary 124 
Exercise 124 
The Case Control Structure 135 
Decisions Using switch 136 
The Tips and Traps 140 
switch Versus if-else Ladder 144 
The goto Keyword 145 
Summary 148 

Functions & Pointers 157 
What is a Function 158 
Why Use Functions 165 
Passing Values between Functions 166 
Scope Rule of Functions 171 
Calling Convention 172 
One Dicey Issue 173 
Advanced Features of Functions 174 
Function Declaration and Prototypes 175 
Call by Value and Call by Reference 178 
An Introduction to Pointers 178 
Pointer Notation 179 
Back to Function Calls 186 
Conclusions 189 
Recursion 189 
 Recursion and Stack 194 
Adding Functions to the Library 197 
Summary 201 
Exercise 201 
Data Types Revisited 213 
Integers, long and short 214 
Integers, signed and unsigned 216 
Chars, signed and unsigned 217 
Floats and Doubles 219 
A Few More Issues… 221 
Storage Classes in C 223 
Automatic Storage Class 224 
Register Storage Class 226 
Static Storage Class 227 
External Storage Class 230 
Which to Use When 233 
Summary 234 
The C Preprocessor 241 
Features of C Preprocessor 242 
Macro Expansion 244 
Macros with Arguments 248 
Macros versus Functions 252 
File Inclusion 253 
Conditional Compilation 255 
#if and #elif Directives 258 
Miscellaneous Directives 260 
#undef Directive 260 
#pragma Directive 261 
Summary 263 
Exercise 264 
8. Arrays 269 
What are Arrays 270 
A Simple Program Using Array 272 
More on Arrays 275 
Array Initialization 275 
Bounds Checking 276 
Passing Array Elements to a Function 277 
Pointers and Arrays 279 
Passing an Entire Array to a Function 286 
The Real Thing 287 
Two Dimensional Arrays 289 
Initializing a 2-Dimensional Array 290 
Memory Map of a 2-Dimensional Array 291 
Pointers and 2-Dimensional Arrays 292 
Pointer to an Array 295 
Passing 2-D array to a Function 297 
Array of Pointers 300 
Three Dimensional Array 302 
Summary 304 
Puppetting On Strings 327 
What are Strings 328 
More about Strings 329 
Pointers and Strings 334 
Standard Library String Functions 335 
strlen( ) 337 
strcpy( ) 339 
strcat( ) 342 
strcmp( ) 343 
Two-Dimensional Array of Characters 344 
Array of Pointers to Strings 347 
Limitation of Array of Pointers to Strings 351 
Solution 352 
Summary 353 
Exercise 354 
Structures 363 
Why Use Structures 364 
Declaring a Structure 367 
Accessing Structure Elements 370 
How Structure Elements are Stored 370 
Array of Structures 371 
Additional Features of Structures 374 
Uses of Structures 383 
Summary 384 
Exercise 384 
Console Input/Output 393 
Types of I/O 394 
Console I/O Functions 395 
Formatted Console I/O Functions

File Input/Output 415 
Data Organization 416 
File Operations 417 
Opening a File 418 
Reading from a File 420 
Trouble in Opening a File 421 
 Closing the File 422 
Counting Characters, Tabs, Spaces, … 422 
A File-copy Program 424 
Writing to a File 425 
File Opening Modes 426 
String (line) I/O in Files 427 
The Awkward Newline 430 
Record I/O in Files 430 
Text Files and Binary Files 434 
Record I/O Revisited 437 
Database Management 441 
Low Level Disk I/O 447 
A Low Level File-copy Program 448 
I/O Under Windows 453 
Summary 453 
Exercise 454 
13. More Issues In Input/Output 465
Using argc and argv 466 
Detecting Errors in Reading/Writing 470 
Standard I/O Devices 472 
I/O Redirection 473 
Redirecting the Output
Redirecting the Input 476 
Both Ways at Once 477 
Summary 478 
Exercise 478 
Operations On Bits 481 
Bitwise Operators 482 
One’s Complement Operator 484 
Right Shift Operator 486 
Left Shift Operator 488 
Bitwise AND Operator 493 
Bitwise OR Operator 498 
Bitwise XOR Operator 499 
The showbits( ) Function 500 
Summary 501 
Exercise 501 
Miscellaneous Features 505
Enumerated Data Type 506 
Uses of Enumerated Data Type 507 
Renaming Data Types with typedef 510 
Typecasting 511 
Bit Fields 513 
Pointers to Functions 515 
Functions Returning Pointers 518 
Functions with Variable Number of Arguments 520 
Unions 524 
Union of Structures 530 
Summary 531 

C Under Windows 535
Which Windows… 536
Integers 537
The Use of typedef 537
Pointers in the 32-bit World 539
Memory Management 540
Device Access 543
DOS Programming Model 543
Windows Programming Model 547
Event Driven Model 551
Windows Programming, a Closer Look 552
The First Windows Program 554
Hungarian Notation 558
Summary 558
Exercise 559
Windows Programming 561
The Role of a Message Box 562
Here Comes the window… 563
More Windows 566
A Real-World Window 567
Creation and Displaying of Window 569
Interaction with Window 570
Reacting to Messages 572
Program Instances 575
Summary 575
Exercise 576
Graphics Under Windows 579
Graphics as of Now 580
Device Independent Drawing
Hello Windows 582
Drawing Shapes 586
Types of Pens 590
Types of Brushes 592
Code and Resources 596
Freehand Drawing, the Paintbrush Style 596
Capturing the Mouse 600
Device Context, a Closer Look 601
Displaying a Bitmap 603
Animation at Work 607
WM_CREATE and OnCreate( ) 611
WM_TIMER and OnTimer( ) 611
A Few More Points… 612
Windows, the Endless World… 613
Summary 614
Exercise 615
19. Interaction With Hardware 617
Hardware Interaction 618
Hardware Interaction, DOS Perspective 619
Hardware Interaction, Windows Perspective 623
Communication with Storage Devices 626
The ReadSector( ) Function 631
Accessing Other Storage Devices 633
Communication with Keyboard 634
Dynamic Linking 635
Windows Hooks 635
Caps Locked, Permanently 637
Did You Press It TTwwiiccee…… 643
Mangling Keys 644
KeyLogger 645
Where is This Leading 646
Summary 647
C Under Linux 649
What is Linux 650
C Programming Under Linux 651
The ‘Hello Linux’ Program 652
Processes 653
Parent and Child Processes 655
More Processes 659
Zombies and Orphans 660
One Interesting Fact 663
Summary 664
Exercise 664
21. More Linux Programming 667
Communication using Signals 668
Handling Multiple Signals 671
Registering a Common Handler 673
Blocking Signals 675
Event Driven Programming 678
Where Do You Go From Here 684
Summary 684

Keep learning
Stay safe

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