The bhagvad gita in hindi - download

Free download hindi bhagvad geeta

Tworld has stopped due to spread of covid-19 . This is the right time in which we can gain a lot of knowledge and increase our knowledge repository .  In this painful situation our best friend is book. By reading a book that never deceives us , our knowledge increase our power of thinking and understanding but at this time , not everyone has a stock of book. He has an android phone with which he listen a audio book of all book . But the audio book is not able to give the knowledge of the entire book , in the same way it gives half incomplete knowledge of the book , which leads to our knowledge in that subject . But at the time not everyone has enough money to buy the book at the time .
So today I have brought such a book who has given change the life of many people it's name is "Bhagvad gita". The author of the bhagvad gita is vyasa.

Download the book in hindi click below

The book

Description about book

The bhagvad gita also mention as the gita ,over 700years ago hindu scared book that is part of poetry of mahabharat . The gita is collection of tale of a dilogue between pandva prince Arjuna and his manual and charioteer lord Krishna. 

At the start of the dharam yudh between Pandavas and Kauravas , The lord Krishna told the message of gita to arjun in kurukshetra war . It is a upanishad given under bhisma prava of Mahabharata . Monotheism , karma yoga , jnanayoga , bhaktiyoga , have been discussed very beautiful in the bhagvad gita.

The background of srimad Bhagavad Gita is the war of Mahabharata just as a normal human becomes confused by the problems of his life and makes up his mind to run away from life 's problems instead of fighting him , similarly Arjuna , who was the great hero of , was affraid of the problems faced by him and his life kshatriya disappointed with religion , just like as arjun , all of us sometimes get frustrated in the situations of uncertainty and or by our problems distraught and stand away.

Stay safe and keep learning

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